Scalability of extensions

Here there's no commitment, you can cancel extensions whenever you need

The Virtual PBX is different from the local one, you don't have to be stuck with a specific number of extensions. You can add or remove them whenever you want.


About service

Sustainable growth of your company will allow it to establish itself in the market and overcome challenging economic times. That's why it's possible to adjust the number of extensions according to your company's needs with 55PBX. Avoid waste and bureaucracy. Start with one operator and expand with new opportunities. And if needed, decrease the extensions. Our goal is to support your operation. Additionally, with 55PBX, you won't need to invest in a local server or phone equipment. Your agent can access the extension via desktop through the Webphone or through a smartphone with the Softphone.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a virtual PBX?

How does the virtual extension work?

What are the types of PBX?

What's the difference between PBX and VoIP?