The intelligent telephony solution focused on education

Innovate your institution with the 55PBX tool focused on education and ensure more convenience and efficiency in serving parents and teachers, assisting students and teachers, and much more.

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Imagem do informativo sobre More technology to accelerate your institution's Digital Transformation

55PBX allows you to build a solid relationship foundation

Win over parents and students by improving the customer experience, making each contact special and productive through intelligent queues, reducing waiting times and ensuring high voice quality.

Find out why 55PBX is ideal for your company.

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Monitor the service

Supervise your service team through reports or in real-time to direct efforts and make the channel more dynamic.

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Add notes

With the Enterprise license, you can use the contact form feature to attach valuable information to the call log.

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Call Recording

Check call reports whenever you want, as well as call recordings. Your clients will appreciate this security in customer service.

More technology to accelerate your institution's Digital Transformation

Whether your institution is a university, primary or technical school, digital transformation is for everyone. This is the key to customer loyalty and improving your brand perception.

Ícone 55PBX

Ready to enhance your conversations?

Activate 55PBX on your current device hassle-free.

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